Sunday 24 July 2011

Bloggers Are Journalists - Vice Versa?

Based on my research, there is a simple explanation on this statement. A Journalist is a person who discover and write reports about his research and statement based on the facts, evidence such at photographs and videos, experiences and then release it through several media like television, website, radio and so on. He or she works for a company or else by his own (freelancer).

Bloggers are the people or community who write and share their experiences of their daily life like writing about diary(public diary). But you can't estimate that all bloggers does that. In this 21st centuries, technologies have grown up. Nowadays, people prefer sharing their research and experiences through net compare with television and so on. Net is a new media which have attracted more people even a kid too. The community prefer internet compare with television because net is more faster than the other media. The people able to gain knowledge and information through net.

So, nowadays, the technique have changed. Journalists like freelancer prefer sharing their research through net such as Blogger which have become an important element in our daily life. So, this means that not all bloggers are journalist. Those who don't write about their daily life but do research and document their experiences, fact and element such as about politics, economy and social of a country or world can be know as journalist even though they are bloggers. Based on my opinion, NOT ALL BLOGGERS ARE JOURNALISTS BUT ALL JOURNALISTS CAN BE BLOGGERS. It just depends on what the bloggers document on their web profile to share it to the community. As long as bloggers have their own research, facts, evidence and so on about his issues which he document in the website, he can be known as journalist or more towards freelancer journalist.


  1. I agree with your statement Arvind! Not all bloggers are journalists buat all journalists can be bloggers. That's an insightful well said words. Actually, a lot of journalist do blog but as you said not all bloggers can be a journalist.

  2. hehehehe...yeah...if I am a journalist, I prefer sharing it through net compare with television. If the web we created can attract more people than them going towards television to see our documentation, we can earn the money like how other journalist does it =)
