Sunday 24 July 2011

Bloggers: Journalists without Paychecks.

Consider this definition of a journalist from Wikipedia:

 'journalist collects and disseminates information about current events, people,trends, and issues'

My take on this topic is that bloggers; the everyday person who sits behind his computer and airs his opinion on topics that he finds interesting, could be considered journalists since they do satisfy the definition of the very word in question; Journalist.

*With respect to the fact that the information should be conveyed through mass media, otherwise that would mean that even a person holding a conversation with another person would be considered journalism*

(proffesional journalist)

The only difference, in my opinion, is that Bloggers most of the time express their personal opinions, don't do it for money and regard the sharing of information as passion or something they feel they were born to do. Journalists on the other hand are paid, consider it a work and most of the times their personal opinion may or may not be aired due to company propaganda.

The question is that should the latter only be considered a journalists only because they're paid? In my opinion the mere definition of the word suggests that it is the critical analysis along with the distribution of the information that makes one a journalist and not his or her's paycheck.


  1. Bloggers fit the profile because they use the internet; the largest mass media today, as their means to air their views.

  2. Ouh i see. It seem that the critical analysis that makes a journalist different with blogger. Journalists interview and make conversation with people to get the 100% correct information. But based on my opinion, how about the bloggers that made the same process of critical analysis? Are they still bloggers or are they journalists?

  3. i think the only thing differentiating bloggers from journalists is that journalism is considered a proffession and blogging is a pass time...but then again is it the paycheck or the information that makes one a journalist?

  4. yes....the differences is that blogger mostly will be in a place and update all the information he got just by using web while journalist go around and explore to get informations and update it in different form of media =)
