Friday 15 July 2011

Stereotypes are simple,one-dimensional portrayals of people..

Stereotypes are simple, one-dimensional portrayals of people—usually based on sex, race, religion, profession or age.  From my personal experinece when I was young, I have always thought step parents  are cruel as I have been exposed to tv fairytales series like  Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and the  wicked stepmother in Cinderella.When I grew up there are many movies that have dumb blondes in them, the blonde characters in the movie always saying something stupid and some how or rather stereotype got stuck in my head that all blondes are stupid. However, in local tv series I realized the traditional stereotypes of women as the secretary, housewife, homemaker or impoverished single parent has been replaced by a more modern stereotype, the successful, independent career focused woman. 


  1. STEREOTYPE people.. i agree what Deeb says.. most people in the world are stereotype people.. we think as if the whole world there is only a way to everything. just because we are expose to one solution doesnt mean that we cant have another. for example like fairytales, the one we used to know rapunzel , she got long hair and she kept in a tall tower. that is the one we USED to know but now , another type of rapunzel story came out. we can think differenly. doesnt need to be the same old way actually. =] then we are different. the not stereotype one .

  2. For me, even though the traditional stereotypes have been replaced with more modern stereotypes, some local drama series have still not changed. It can be said the story remains the same and change only in terms of personality alone. Sometimes it is boring and the audience will be able to capture what happens in the last half of the story.
