Friday 22 July 2011

Blogger VS Journalist

Studies have shown that 52% of bloggers considered themselves journalists. How far is this statement true? In my opinion not all bloggers are journalists; this is because different bloggers have different thought over a topic. Whereas journalists have the same fact and thought over a certain topic. Bloggers write informally ignoring writing rules and ethics.  Journalists have standard guideline to follow and adhere to. Bloggers’ blogs are reflection of personal thought and cannot be taken as source of reference. Journalists are required to be unbiased in their write ups published in magazines or news papers. Bloggers can just sit in front of their computers and write but journalists have to go out and interview sources, investigate the issue themselves and then write what they have learned. In conclusion opinions by bloggers are not journalism.


  1. but imagine, if bloggers do blog as what journalist say, they are a journalist too. just that they are online journalist not on air =] bloggers can be our own personal thought but at the same time people may comment about it and made it a discussion room or something like that. haha....anyway, to me, bloggers are one of the journalist too =]

  2. I agree about Deeb "not all bloggers are journalists". It is because blogger more like share their opinion and they do not do the checklist before post at their blog.
