Sunday 17 July 2011

Highschool Cliques

Stereotype is an easy generalization made by others to the people around them. C’mon, let’s be honest here, everyone has a stereotyped opinion on others. Some famous stereotypes are that; Asians are smart and nerdy, Blacks have guns and wear blings around their neck, Italians are mafias with thick accent, jocks are jerks, blondies are bimbos and Brits love teas.

For me, personally, stereotypes are easier seen in high school themed films as everyone is categorized and judged accordingly to their stereotypes. The stereotypes in high school themed films are the most common and it unfortunately exist in every high school themed films like Mean Girls, High School Musical, Glee, Lizzy McGuire and lots of other films that you might be familiar of.

The cheerleaders, the jocks, the gays, the disabled, the Asians and the outcasts.

In this video above, the stereotypes sit together on the same table in the cafeteria and only hang out with each other. Let’s face it, there might be some bitter truth in the stereotypes BUT don’t you ever heard of “don’t judge a book by its cover”?

The labels.

I think this is the case with stereotypes that irked me the most. You only see the cover hence the stereotyping but there could be much more underneath a cover. If Asians are nerds, it doesn’t mean that they’re smart. And for God’s sake not all Blacks dressed in blings and talk swagger. There’s more to a person than what they are labeled.

I think, everyone has that something, that X-factor, that sets them apart from each other. But we are blinded by the labels that we put on them. Heck, every individuals have different and distinct thumbprints. That much could explain that everyone is different and special.

We just take the easier route of clumping the seemingly similar people together but in fact they are very different to one another. Just seemingly similar. Finding that X-factor in someone is like playing spot the differences between two pictures. It looked seemingly similar, but there are differences.

Can you spot the differences? :)

Conclusion is, some stereotypes might be true but they are more to someone than what they are labeled to be.


  1. Oh la la! I feel the same stereotype when i was at school. My school was divided into two. The priest and modest with the weirdos. So i'm in the weirdos. Because why? just because i;m from the other school, and just came into the school during form 4. So I cant be as modest as they are so that's why i'm joining the weirdos.

  2. it offers a perfect lesson in how cliques harden in some schools - and why they barely form in others . Costa Del Sol
