Sunday 17 July 2011

Media Stereotypes

This post is I am repeating it back from my previous blog which i posted it for my creative studies and I am repeating back. Stereotype is a term that we put in a subject as a representation, on the contrary prejudice. Usually, stereotype always represent the subject in negative side but Not all the stereotypes are negativeMan usually stereotyped as strong because they always go out of their home while woman usually stereotyped as weak because they always be in home to take care of family and to cook. But both of them can be strong or weak. It depends on the ability and characteristics of a person. This can be know as a common stereotype.

Other example of stereotype which represent negative side is The Game labeled as ‘violence’. People judge a subject, even though the prejudice is not 100% correct and exact with the subject. Among the parents, they judge games as violence because it harms their children's education and changes their behavior based on the game their children played. For an example among the community, when you hear a name or word, you will relate that to something else. It is just a representation that people commonly use it. This is called a stereotype.

Malays - Sepak Takraw

Chinese - Badminton

Indians - Cricket

Where usually stereotype come from commonly? Of course, it's from media. Media nowadays represent stereotype to send their massages in a simpler way form to the community. They think that stereotype is one of the easiest way to say their messages through media. Based on my experiences and research, one of the example i can say about stereotype is "African-American Are Good In Basketball". This one is in America but it also applies here in my country which is Malaysia like for the same example which is "Malays Are Good In Sepak Takraw", "Chinese Are Good In Badminton" and same goes to "Indians Are Good In Cricket". Overall, it represent a race concur  a game or sport in worldwide. Another huge example is "Blacks Are Good In Running". Biologically, scientist have proved that people with darker skin can run faster than others. All this stereotype are known as positive stereotype.

Lets focus on African-Americans. This is true that largest percentage of professional basketball players in the NBA sports. The majority of the top college basketball programs also have mostly all the healthy African-Americans. Same goes to Malays, Chinese & Indians in their skills in sports they control. But, this doesn't mean that every man and woman able to play those game based on color or racial. It is just that, since small, each race have exposed themselves to the game that they always favor. They have adapt the sport the sport of their people play very well when they were in childhood time until they loved the game so much. When they grew up, all they do were just brushing their skills in that particular sports. That's why we can see that most of the games were concur by particular race of people.So, overall I can say is, all stereotypes doesn't represent negative side. There also also positive side which gives good impact towards the society. It's just the matter of how the community express those stereotypes through media and how they adopt it in their daily life.


  1. In basketball, we have Yao Ming from China that is able to prove that even Asians can excel in basketball. Body limitation is nothing that mind can overcome. Sure, some race may have some advantage in sports BUT if other races works harder to overcome their weakness of course someday they can break the stereotype as well :)

  2. I like the one with those sports stereotype because i always assume that Chinese will only play badminton and basketball and when i found a few chinese playing footbal, i was too excited. I don't know why. Maybe because i learn that from the media.
